
The Elevator Clicker

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About The Elevator Clicker

The Elevator Clicker is a clicker game where players must tap on the button to take the elevator. The interesting part is that it is the only clicker game with an ending!

How to play The Elevator Clicker

In this game, you control a character named Mr D. and once he arrives at the elevator, you must tap on the button to take the elevator. However, it is not that simple because it takes 1000000 taps for the elevator to come. 

Use your left mouse button to tap on the elevator. You can see a "Clicks to go" number at the top of the screen. Once it goes down to zero, you have completed the mission and Mr D. will be able to take the elevator and go back home from work. 

You can purchase upgrades to strengthen the fingers and increase their speed. 

Can you complete the mission and see the ending? Play it now and share with us your experience. 

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